Paris Saint-Germain outperforms Real Madrid with an offer that is the strongest of its kind on the expected Perez deal

Paris Saint-Germain unleashed its millionaire claws to manage the link-up of Andrique (16) and Estefao (15), the two gems of Palmeiras’ superstar teens

And the newspaper “O Globo” publishes that “Palmeras is discussing with Paris Saint-Germain possible negotiations that include striker Andric and attacking midfielder Estefao. The operation initially amounted to about 80 million euros

Paris Saint-Germain’s offer to Palmeiras for Andrek and Estevao was 50 million euros fixed and another 30 million in variables


In Brazil, they reported that Palmeiras had yet to accept Paris Saint-Germain’s offer and that Verdão was already working on setting a price for their pair of teenage talent


Felipe Zito and Talles Soares published in “O Globo” that Palmeiras, who is calm and unhurried given the impossibility of his young stars leaving Brazil before reaching the age of 18, aspires to transfer Andric for about 60 million euros

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